Any antique'ers?

Nice collection. It looks like you might have a Yashika D or a Rolleiflex in your row of double lens reflexes? I used one in high school. Great medium format. Is that a Hasselblad 4x4 on the bottom? Whatever brand it is, those are exceptional. I got to develop a bit in high school. About the only way nowdays to develop and print is to have a darkroom at home. Not too many photo labs that develop any more. Everything's digital. (and that's fun too)

I actually have both :) in the front is a pre war Rolleiflex, takes lovely pictures. Behind it I do have a pristine grey Yashica Model D, works perfectly. I WISH I could afford a Hasselblad....On the bottom there is a Bronica S2, the Japanese variant of the Blad. A bit clunky and way heavy, haven't had the chance to use it. Cannot wait to get some equipment and develop film myself!