How Big can a 5.2 get?
Machinist said 0,47mm, thats .0185", I thought he meant they are all the same.
And yes, the EQ heads are closed chamber.
I didnt have access to right tools so I had to improvise, also this is my first enginejob so Im learning, every day is a schoolday.
I put solder (is this the right word?)
on both sides of the piston, so it cant rock. Then I put headgasket and cylinderhead on and tightened it to specs. Turned the engine one full turn, took the head off and measured the flattened solder. I did this three times for accuracy, numbers below are averages of the three.
This is what I got for quench:
1. .039
2. .043
3. .045
4. .047
5. .039
6. .045
7. .043
8. .038
(these are also converted from millimeters)
I decided NOT to do anything, since there is really no cheap or easy way to fix this... maybe its because the crank has been grinded down years ago to .030 on 1 and 2 and others are .010, or the rods arent the same size or what ever...