Is jegs slipping

I ordered and received my 4 link kit from jegs a couple of weeks ago, 1st complaint , the shipping box was ripped which i know ( since i work for i guess ill just say it UPS ) is not all the shippers fault But if you don't package the parts correctly and tight the parts will fly around inside the Box and break the Box open so I'm saying that jegs is partly to blame for it. So after opening the Box I found the 4 left hand threaded rod end Containers not stapled together and open I was missing 3 left hand nuts when I walked out of the garage to find out if the fedex guy had left yet I found one of the nuts on the grass which fell out of the hole that was in the Box. 2nd complaint The Welled in nuts or bungs were .006 over 1 inch and the Chrome Molly Tubes were a little under 1" so after drilling the tubes and grinding with My die grinder to make all the bungs fit in both ends of the tubes I wasn't real happy probably would have been more unhappy if I didn't have all the equipment to take care of this myself which by the way I should Not have had to so after calling Jegs and pressing the lady on the phone to Find out about their quality control she said she would talk to the people in the back and see what they think about it after pressing her Some more she did tell me that They do farm out a lot of that work and not make it here in the States like they use too and I'm assuming it's from China. And she told me she would give me a $20 gift certificate for my trouble which by the way I've never seen. So my question to you guys out there is who do you all use to buy your new stuff from is it jegs summit Speedway motors or somewhere else. Thanks for reading looking forward to reading your thoughts.

Sounds like the packer and the maker of said parts are at fault. Much like buying aftermarket anything and finding all fasteners are metric. I dispise having metric stuff on my 51 yr old barracuda !!