1968 A body 10" x 1-3/4" brake hardware?

Ok I've been looking for days for hardware for 1968 10" x 1-3/4" brake hardware for a 1968 Barracuda. I haven't been able to find it anywhere. I know you can get it for 70 and up Darts but haven't seen it for the older A bodies. I know the hardware is different. Anyone have any sources?
1968 is a double transition year.
AFAIK, much of the hardware is the same. At least the attaching hardware and return springs are. The adjuster related hardware changes in 1969.

Differences I know are this:
256 through Feb 1967
288 Starting March 1 1967. Hardware is the same as before. Only difference is the 288 shoe had tabbed contact points.
331 Starting with the 1969 Model Year. Must be used with new automatic adjuster system.

Adjuster Systems.
Through 1968 Model Year auto-adjusters push down on the star wheel.
Starting 1969 Model Year, auto-adjusters push up on star wheels. Star-wheel Adjusters expand in opposite direction from earlier system.

If you use the '69 up adjuster system, all the parts must be used.
New adjuster system shown here: Drum Brake Service Highlights (Session 260) from the Master Technician's Service Conference