2019 summer race.... Jadaharabi vs 318willrun

You know your welcome to come race with us too.
I have too tell you tho I don't bet ($) on anything. I just try to go as fast as I can every time. Unless bracket racing of course.
I appreciate the offer, but my 74 beaker is along ways off from hitting the road. Bought when I was 16, blew up the 318, put in a 340(pro built) at 17. Had too much fun with it till 25. Took it off the road to do" it up right". Got married, kids, house, daughter now in university blahs,blah.(same as everyone else). Son turned 16, got my 340 to fire up and he got hooked !!! Yay! He ends up buying my brothers 70 dart (that sat for 12 years in a garage)and we've been having alot of fun ever since working on it together with his buddies dropping by and getting hooked as well . Maybe one day I'll get to the track...thanks for the offer.