Stop in for a cup of coffee
Put a new oil switch on the Neon yesterday (along with oil and filter change). Getting to the switch to wrench it out was easier than I thought. Just reach down over the back of motor. Getting the wire off, not so much. I hate these connectors. You know, the slide the little red tab and squeeze type. Usually its the tab that is the problem. I thought it was out and still couldn't get the other part to release. So a yanked the tab out and it still wouldn't release. Ended up breaking the big tab off. Then got it started loose by twisting a big pry driver under the edge. Finally get it and the wire pretty much falls off the harness. Could see it was twisted and hanging on by a couple strands. Got ahold of enough wire to crimp it together. Connector is just slid on new switch. Will have to see if I can get one at the yard without breaking it. Need to disconnect everything in back of motor so I can pull that section of the harness up and re cover/tape. Oil was nasty -must have been a while since that was changed. :eek: