Strut rod washers.... correct way to use.
My .02 on this. I just went through this on my car. I got the Mogg replacement bushings with new washers. I thought it was wierd to install them with cup facing inward toward the bushing. So I installed them with the cup outward. My friend has a ‘67 Cuda that’s untouched. I noticed the washers are installed with the cup facing the bushing/kframe. I got to thinking about it. It makes sense to install it with the cup facing the bushing. It forces the stepped part of the bushing to stay seated in the kframe when the suspension is moving, along with a little less binding. Installed with the cup out, when the suspension moves, it would seem that the bushing would be pinched around the outside and possibly cause the stepped part of the bushing to be able to move in and out the kframe. Maybe I’m just blowing hot air but that makes the most sense to me.