Change in plans. Another new build begins

Correct me where I'm wrong. The line coming up from the oil filter adapter to the back then thru the back of the block is feeding the rocker arms and the front of the block.
It looks like there is a connection for feeding the rockers at the center of the lifter valley. Making it full time oiling to the rocker arms. So I would think that the cam bearings on #2 and #4 are blocked causing the grove in the cam journal to be inactive.
Is the passage at the driver side of the #1 main blocked?
Very interesting dual pickup setup. Really neat short block.
Block is front oiled for sure. And yes I too see the jumper feed to the rocker passages.
Not sure what that smaller line is. Maybe oil pressure gauge. Or spring oilers.
I was going to front oil my block that way until I was shown that the X block has an external
Bung so I decided to front oil externally. It is reassuring for me to see some of the same mods that I have done on another motor..
Especially the front oil mod which I got from the Sanborn thread.
Love that dual pickup. Never seen it done that way.