Problems with 360 LA distributor

green tag 360xxx
H'm. Green tag made think it was mopar performance but those are 3690403

When I stripped the dizzy for inspection it was noticeable the top part that locates on the dizzy shaft and mechanical weight was quite a slack fit. I did wonder if this can be sleeved?
Had similar on one I bought used. It was so bad I couldn't get a stable timing when spinning it up on a machine. If there's too much play in the top shaft, then its probably better costwise to replace than remachine. I'm sure machining and sleeving is possible but ....

Not sure what you mean be exact fit or curve, assume its to do with advance curve?
Yes that's what he's talking about.

so I might buy just for parts, see ebay link below.
Seems like a high price for something that hit or dropped hard enough to break the rotor. I'd be afraid the upper shaft was bent.

If you want to buy new, and the engine is slightly hotted up, the ones Erhenburg sells on e-bay are supposed to have a curve similar to the Chrysler built Mopar Performance distributors. And its got the same guts as your current distributor.

I got sick of taking it in and out the engine to test, so it's currently set up on the bench with a battery, coil and 8 spark plugs, so much easier to adjust and set up than in the car.
Haven't watched yet but that's pretty awsome thing to do. You're halfway to making your own distributor machine if you have a scope or datalogger with inductive pickup and rpm. A few years back there was a guy who did something like that. Pictures are gone now.

Since you have it apart take the main shaft and put it the housing and see if the upper shaft has any wobble, the small part. Also see if the shaft has any side play in the housing. .002 is my limit.
That would seem to be the place to start!