They Live Among Us.....

This is no BS.
I was cleaning a coffee maker with vinegar and without my being right there at the moment to notice, a woman used the vinegar water to make coffee.
She took a sip of the coffee and wanted to call the police to report that I had tried to poison her.
She was finally talked out of it by others, but swore to the others that vinegar was poisonous.
I kinda wished she would have called just to see the reaction she got.

This one is more ignorance than just stupid, but we had a customer want a Windows reinstall because the current installation was so jacked up.
Once the job was done with all the Windows updates, Java, Antivirus software and ready for the internet she called saying I had not done a full Windows installation.

When questioned a bit further as to why she thought it was a partial Windows install she stated that her neighbor who also had the same Windows version that she did had Print Shop Platinum but she didn't.
I explained to her that Print Shop did not come as part of the software on a Windows OS install disc (which she supplied) and had come with her computer when new.
I explained that Print Shop was a separate program that would need to be installed, but she didn't believe me.
She started into "I'm going to sue you" for not installing the full version of Windows.:rolleyes:

After weeks of her calling harassing and threatening the Wife about it I finally found a possible solution, and told her to call around for the version of the Windows operating system that has Print Shop included and I would buy it and reinstall the entire OS.

I guess she got tired of being told that there was no such thing because she never brought it up again.