They Live Among Us.....

Even 40 years ago I liked to carry 50's. Most people, even those who in general could count backward would be baffled.

One night we asked a female driver why she kept stopping at the stop signs. She figured she was supposed to, until we informed her that the ones with the white borders all the way around were optional. That was the craziest ride I have ever been on.

We drove another girl around for a couple hours while she tried to show us how to get to H street which she knew was nearby. Yup... hospital sign.

An old man in Mc Donalds gave the girl a 50 cent piece. She said "I'm sorry, we only take American money."

Just for fun, ask people what is heavier, a pound of lead, or a pound of feathers. It still works.

A bunch of us rented some movies. One of the girls gave me a credit card to pay for it all. The clerk ran the card through and I signed the ticket. Then he figured out my name probably wasn't Sarah, and accused me of forging a credit receipt. I told him I signed my own name, so how could it be forged. It took him a while.