The 76 road runners are pretty cool. I had a friend years ago with a Super Coupe. I really liked that car. I LOVE the 75 road runner. Talk about a neglected year.
I agree. I used to not like the 73-6 B bodies but as time marches on I find a lot to like about the cars. Those cars and F bodies and even the mid size cars like early 80'scars like the Miradras and Cordorbas are great cars for the young entry level guy. Nice drivers can be had cheap. NO the super copes are not cheap for decent car! Yes those cars also have a pretty good following with the semi old and old timers too.
Did not mean to side track the post!
If RRR wants to make this early A somewhat unique wheel wise, how about a mini light up front and a wide ish steel rim in back? I bet there is no such thing as a SBP mini!??? But RRR might go discs!?? huh?