2019 summer race.... Jadaharabi vs 318willrun

0h 318 has valves that will fly, when will your fake news ever die... You always like to turn something into something that is not, and letting your fake news make our brains rot... It's true we like to give you a hard time about your valves that will fly, when truly it is your valve seats that will say goodbye... You like to twist my words in all of my postings, but when this is all over it will be jab that is boasting... Your poem sucks so bad that no one can like it, but then again no one has fake news quite like it... The only exciting thing about this race so far, is the the knowledge that jab will beat you on the black tar...
your poetry stinks, but you havn't a clue,
bandy words, bandy legs, I'll leave that to you....
We had 2 long years, of oh so much jawing,
leaving you in tears, and the rest of us yawning....

Sorry you live so far away,
Or I'd beat the 410 anytime of day.....
For your 13.7, I'd be wasting my gas,
But I'd have to do it, just for the laugh....

Now me and Jaba, have so much to do,
vote and cheer, or throw out your booo....
Doesn't matter, we're preparing to race,
A blast we'll have, and cheese fries to taste....

318forthewin !!!!