Stop in for a cup of coffee

actually I love humor and I'm always joking and goofing with people and I don't mind any of that whatsoever. I can be accused of it all the time actually. With the situation was and we were having a serious conversation on the phone the night before about his transmission and we were both very excited at the results. Not really looking for someone to come from left field and blow our high..
which led me to the next thought of like I told you every time I see you you're mostly just poking fun and not adding to any of the car stuff. Also again I said that could just be me and the odd times that I catch you because I'm not following you.. then I asked for maybe a link? To a car that that you have or some kind of way of giving yourself some validity two cars? And basically you told me none of your business LOL which then I kind of think well what is this guy doing here? Does he even own a car? And then you allude to owning more than one car? But again you're a private person and that's your business LOL oooooky.. now I'm supposed to be comfortable talking cars with someone who claims they are a private person and do not want to share any of their stuff but yet we are to share all of our stuff with them? Again I'm just one who says what I feel and that's it. Again I have a complete sense of humor and all that if we want a joke around there's plenty of areas on this forum just for that or for chatting and joking around. And also there's plenty of times when a joke kind of ease some stuff up too. Anyways if you have something to say just come out and say it don't come over here and Snicker about it with your buddies... Trust me I've got thick skin on this part of the Forum not the news and politics where the thin skin is needed LOL..
I was kind of reading through here I noticed you can't leave this alone so I figured I'd give you something to chew on...
part of me wants to tell you to go F yourself and part of me wants to apologize for derailing your cool thread = as I said before I didn't mean any harm. you will not goad me into posting anything that I don't want to.. its 2019, maybe I walk everywhere I go.

Just for the record, he does have a pretty badass A-body.
thank you sir
them sounding like fight'n words friend :elmer::poke::rofl:
thats not going to happen

Baking soda in a hand held sandblaster. The one with the little sand tank on it. Shake and blast. Done a few carbs that way.
there you go good answer!

Afternoon all! Question regarding exhaust. My car came with TTI headers, and Im not sure of the exhaust system. However out of the headers it necks down from 3" to 2.5", through some Dynomax Turbo Mufflers which reduces again to 2" at the outlet of the muffler, then out the back of the car.

So for those of you that know exhaust, would I get any benefits out of changing the mufflers and tail pipes to 2.5" to keep it consistent straight through?
lose the 2"! 2.5" = even if its just because it looks cooler! :thumbsup:

I see dead cars on a daily basis,
Coffee shop talk is just that,and i get to chat with some very interesting people about a lot of different subjects.
Not saying you arent interesting,i do know from reading you are very knowlegeable.
Some people just like to crap in the cornflakes for a laugh, and its much easier to ignore than acknowledge..
hey did you read the posts? never meant to "crap in their cornflakes"..... just goofing off == really bad timing on my part thats all

Who does?