Getting ready to swap a 5.7 into my 73 Dart Swinger
Got the motor mounts in today. Oil filter block off is a must. Oil pan and pick up I can already tell are going to be an issue. Block off Plate I might get away with fabricating something simple the oil pan is going to get slaughtered and i might end up buying the 275 dollar milodon oil pan.. I need the pick up either way. Ive made great progress with the wiring. But sometimes feel like throwing in the towel on this whole thing. I did however find a place to rebuild the heads for my hemi for 350 including parts he said. ima check it out tomorrow. If you think you are more clever than most I'll tell you first hand only thing ive been able to save on this far is the wiring loom that I'm reworking and the work on the heads if that works out. Oil pan I may just luck out on as the milodon pan doesn't look to hard to replicate something similar starting with a stock truck pan, and just so happens im a fabricator/welder. I did the math in this 2260 including price paid for my 73 dart as of this moment.1100-car. 800-engine trans wiring and accessories, computers and abs module. 300- tti motor mounts. 60-for 09 charger rack and pinion just incase I'm able to work something out with that for the steering. I can get a tank from that charger for 100 so that might solce the tank amd fuel pump issue I'll run into in the future. Anyone need a stock gas tank?