Stop in for a cup of coffee

Got the alternator back together. Of course is didn't go smoothly. :rolleyes:
Tightened the housing bolts to spec (Yes, with torque wrench. :p) and the rotor wouldn't turn. confused-gif.gif
It worked before and the only things I changed were the stator and the pulley. Couldn't be the first, and after staring out the illustrations and the spares over a cup of tea, I tried loosening the pulley. Nope. Take it apart to put press the pulley back down and it frees up.

Notice something different about the rear bearings? Two things actually.
The center of the squareback's bearing is blue from heat, and its flush with the casting. H'mmm. So the rotor shaft must have been just so lightly touching before because the bearing wasn't pressed to the right depth
...and...oops I forgot...
The other thing I had changed was installing the missing grease shield. I took that off one of the dead alternators. I'd say that based on my collection, rebuilders frequently leave them off. :rolleyes:
There was grease residue everywhere.

Here's the grease retainer installed. it added just enough thickness to the assembly as to prevent the rotor from turning easily. Probably a good thing; otherwise I never would have pressed the end bearing outward a 1/16" or so.
yea I know the slip ring is ugly. I cleaned it up pretty good before closing it up.