Mopar colors in aerosol.

Some auto body supply business will mix colors to the codes and put it in spray bombs for you. Tower Paint used to advertise this back in the day . You'd be better off buying a small detail gun and spraying your own .Spray can paint never holds up like the real deal.

Great idea. Although the quality out of a spray can isn't as good as out of the gun, at least the color will be right.

Thanks. Here is my thinking/idea. I want to paint my engine bay before I put my engine in (obviously)
Well the engine isnt far from being done but the body is nowhere near ready for paint. So instead of spending 5to 600 on paint and spraying the bay and letting it set for God knows how long I could spray it with aerosol and then it would match when I finally get around to paint time.

Get the right color and spray a coat or two on. I screwed up and spray bombed my engine compartment gloss black instead of the original body color (which I don't like). Every Mopar guy gives me crap for doing it. I'm getting tired of hearing it. LOL