Ive read most of your thread to about page 5 I'm still working on it. So I got my k member back from powder coat. It looks good but now noticing the sway bar was welded on before which will suck to install on my freshly powdercoated k frame. Had quiete the time getting the a arms(upper control arm) bolts out. Learned to clamp it in place so the bolts will both stay straight otherwise it'll get wedged. Does anyone know what socket size the four k member mounting bolts are? I didnt have that size and left the whole thing in cause of those 4 bolts. Can anyone send detailed pics of a milodon oil pan for the 5.7 6.1? The suspension is shot infront and i forgot to mention the old k member snapped near the motor mount I wondernow what that 440 was pushing that they previous owner kept.. Oh and I had to wire wheel much much more than shown in the picture took good video documentation of the welds amd rework done on everything so far.