1972 Duster Build with my Daughter
So had to improvise to hack the '73 AC into the '72. The differences were subtle but it turned out we could use the '73 AC harness and the '72 Main harness. Here I snapped in the '73 AC harness (compressor) to the AC fuse box. The down side is the AC compressor and blower power to the switch will both be black with a white stripe but that is what this thread is for :)
The Green wire that should be for the blower motor is not used in this case because the '72 main harness ran the wire from the fuse box to this area in the main harness. What this does is cross contaminate the main and AC harnesses so they can't be disconnected separately but it makes a cleaner installation.
Here is the supply voltage for the Clutch (left) and blower motor (right). They are both now the same color, oh well.
Again the fuse box, the blower motor (second from the right) is the original '72 main harness and the AC clutch is the '73 AC harness on the far right.
The M&H main harness fuse box was not like the original and did not give you the ability to add accessories to the orange fuse. I took the special clip from the original box and bead blasted it and wired it into the new harness so we it would be like the original.
Soldering iron ready
Old fuse holder wired into new harness ready for accessory stacking.
The map light connector on the '72 accessory harness (not reproduced by M&H or anyone I could ion) was gone so I stole one from the old '73 Dart harness and wired it into the '72 accessory harness.
Heat shrink tubing and it is better than new.
Needed to wire in the '73 AC head light. In '73 this light was part of the main harness so I cut it out of the original '73 harness and wired it in to the orange accessory harness so it is always on.