1961 Valiant Wagon

Tell us about the book? I have never seen the 9 passenger wagon, how did they do the bask seat? And the light, any pictures of that? Thanks for the story.

The yard tours book.

I am based in Australia but have been going back and forth to the USA since the late 80’s.

It was always for work that I travelled to the US in the early days. I was in the spray painting game at that time and I would always tact on my 4 weeks a year annual leave at the end of whatever work I was doing. So I used to visit as many NOS warehouses or wrecking yards as I could each year. And I would always take a stack of photos on my journey. Guys Stateside were into the Late 60s-early 70s muscle cars. When I turned up looking for the 60-62 Valiant and Lancer stuff they mostly laughed and said all that stuff is over there and go for it.. Take as much as you want. As cheap as you want. So I did.

I got myself parts books for each year (59,60,61,62,63) from the USA and Canada editions and when through them page by page… Part number by part number… Made a super long list…and over the decades with each visit ticked off all the bits I was looking for. Getting some parts was by pure luck… Right place at the right time. Others was following leads to dead ends. Other times it was just lots of research and the slug to find parts in the middle of nowhere.

But while all that was happening I still took lots of pictures. Then in 2009 I brought out my first book. Yard Tours… A journey of almost forgotten Valiant’s and Lancers. Pictures from the various US wrecking yards of beat up Valiant’s and Lancers’s and NOS parts places. It was 120 pages. Here are some images below.

In 2012 I did a second book called PushButton Matic Deluxe. 240 pages. That was all the Ads, Promos, Toys, Models, Brochures and info about the 60-62 Valiants that I could find at the time. Photos below of some pages below.

Then I had the 1960, 1961 and 1962 USA Technical Service Bulletin books with all the Tech Bulletins I could find. Over 400 plus pages in those 3 editions.

I recently (But not released) have finished the Australia version of the Tech and Service bulletin book (138 pages) for the R and S series (1962 Australian Valiant’s)

And at the moment I am working on the Early Valiant Advertisement book with about 250 plus pages of ads for 60-62 Valiant’s. Ads from all over the world in that one.

The 9-seater.
In 1960 the 9 seater was a factory option. In 1961 it was a dealer option. The parts to install them for the different years was pretty different. Dare I say the 61 version was pretty crap. And a little bit of work to do. Where as the 1960 version was pretty nifty.

I decided to use 1960 hardware in my wagon but 1961 fabric. Access to my set up is limited just now but I can put a few images up to give you the idea. When I dig it out to install I will put up good photos of it all.

Another good thing about the 1960 version is that almost all the pieces are there in a regular wagon. You do need to modified a few little things here and there. That’s what I have learnt about Chrysler from that time period… if they can use the same little parts across most models they did.
The photo is the 3rd seat when I got it and then when I recovered it with the 61 valiant fabric.

The Rear light.

The plastic cover that is found between the front and rear seat that sits on the headliner is the same for the rear light. But you get a small on/off switch. And the plate that holds it up between the underside of the roof and above the headlining. The plate hooks onto the rear inside roof on one end and the headlining bow on the other end. I will get a photo in the next few days of it.

Sorry for the long answer.



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