Need advice buying a car long distance

I bought one long distance. Had an inspection done, and I think it was $150. Got an emailed report with 70 photos and a test drive review.

Then I booked a flight to see it in person. But before I left, I went to my bank and ordered $10k in cash to the bank branch near the car (they don't always have a lot of cash). At the same time, I contacted a transport broker who said call him if I decide to get it.

Looked at and drove the car, then met the owner at the bank to swap cash for the title. Called the transport company and he found an open hauler who could be there the next day.

Met the driver, helped him load it, and told him I had an extra $50 if the arrives unhurt!!

Flew back home, met the guy two days later and got the car off the carrier.