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You can take a harddrive out of a dead computer and connect it as an external to another computer, as long as the harddrive itself is not the reason the computer died

They have SATA to USB cables on Ebay for dirt cheap that also have power connector
The last one I did that with DID have a problem with the hard drive. When I plugged it in the new computer 'fixed' it and was able to recover everything. :thumbsup:
My problem now is I have a few old hard drives laying around and no clue what I saved elsewhere. Need to go through everything and organize old files (mostly pics ) in one place without duplicates. Just hasn't moved high enough on the to do list to take time to do it. Only thing I noticed I am missing is some early build pics from the Duster. Think they might have died with the camera or phone I had at the time, or they are on a SD card that is MIA. Not terribly important anymore. Just details I wish I had putting it back together.