Stop in for a cup of coffee

I don't talk about work much anymore because there is no progress or evolution, but it is fast approaching an end. My long time colleague and friend resigned today. She has found a better job (I helped her get it) and is leaving. After 8 years of being my right hand and work partner, it’s time she moved on to a better future.

I am stuck waiting for my resolution with the bonus and severance they owe me being the only thing holding me back. 60-90 days and it should all resolve and I can be free to walk away. The total of what they owe me is too much to walk away from but sometimes not enough not too.


I will hold on for now but it’s becoming increasingly hard to do.

Sorry for the post, I just needed to externalize what has been a heavy weight internally.

Thanks for indulging me.
Normally I’d said forget the money and walk already but now that you’re this close, may as well take them for every dime.

Companies in general don’t give a rats but about you so you may as well get all you can. My dad got laid off aka forced retired last month, walked into what they told him was gonna be a luncheon in honor of his 30 years of being there, only to walk into a room, be handed his walking papers and escorted out the door. Surprise layoffs, pretty much laid anyone off that had 15 years or more with the company.