'66 Barracuda front end rebuild

How do those adjuster threads look? They are a biotch to move if they’ve been sitting in the same place for a long time. Repeated pre soaking is a must, followed by some heat, and maybe a long breaker bar an leverage. I hasten to use an impact, but may suggest it for the concussion action, it may help. Tapping not so gently on the head of the bolt with a hammer may help too. Patience grasshopper, is a must here, or a torch and new bolt and thread plate may be in your future!
If you have a rusty, stuck adjuster bolt, you have a few options.
As previously mentioned, try and keep soaking it with the rust penetrant of your choice.
Then some heavy duty tools.
A 3/4 drive ratchet, or breaker bar, a good impact wrench, or the flame wrench.

Me, I've been pretty happy with Kroil, or Justice Brothers JB-80, on suspension parts at the wrecking yards.

Big Ratchet 005 (Small).JPG

Torches 001 (Small).JPG