65 Dart: Switching to a dual pot master cylinder

A dual MC sure won't look stock for a 1965, even a 1968+ MC. No problem for me because I think the single pot MC's look wimpy and ugly. I also don't like rusty cast-iron w/ the leaky lids, but alternate opinions exist. Unless you use silicone fluid like me, brake fluid will quickly remove paint from your firewall, then rust, as you see in most of these cars as-found.

My avatar shows my 1965 Dart. I switched to power brakes since I hope to have front disks some day. I used 95 Breeze booster and MC on Dart brackets. My 64 Dart is manual brakes. I installed the same 95 Breeze ABS booster on a 2-4 bolt adapter plate. The Dart brake rod locked fine in the MC piston (w/ new rubber grommet) and the pedal wound up in the same place. I posted w/ photos several times.