Stop in for a cup of coffee

I stop at McD's to get some sausage McMuffins and had to wait by the door for my order to come out... They had the quantity wrong and had to correct it when I paid at the first window so the order was not ready when I got to the second window...

As I'm waiting for the order, and elderly lady comes and parks in one of the two spots reserved for the drive thru order waiting... While she's walking from her car I point out to her that she just parked in the reserved drive thru spots... I asked if she saw the sign right dead center in middle of the front of the parking spot...

She replies, "I saw the sign"...

I said, "So you just ignored it... "

She commented, "Where else am I gonna park"... huh.gif

I pointed out to her that the empty spot right next to the one she parked in is regular parking... :bs_flag:

She then got back in her car and parked in the correct spot...

It's not like she was handicapped or couldn't walk very good... She was a little slow walking, but that doesn't excuse her from following the rules... She was fully functioning and not disabled...

Like Gallagher says, you have to point out when people are being ignorant and stupid or they will go around thinking it's ok.... 169071-12cf868074d2efacc74af921ebf86bb7.gif