Stop in for a cup of coffee

Morning all, really warming up out here on the tundra. Few more days like this and snow may be gone. On semi serious note I would love to hear the judge and jury opinions of the collective mob. With full disclosure my wife new for a fact she was marrying a redneck hillbilly from Ark. a long long time ago. So we were in kitchen this morning, and I made a cup of green tea. I decided to put a spot of honey in it then grabbed a butter knife from the drawer, stirred it, and moved on. I hear a gasp of incredulous disbelief, and her exclamation was "did you just really do that?" At this point I have no idea what I have done to awaken her wrath so I sheepishly respond with "what?" feigning total innocence, for the yet to be revealed sin. She explains, I just watched you use a butter knife to swirl your tea, then lick it clean, then dry it on your shop sweatshirt sleeve, and toss it back in the drawer. You can't make this up. I am thinking I was being efficient, and saving energy and time by not filling dish washer needlessly? I did not want to bore her with my logic, as it would make no more sense to her than when I wear cowboy boots and shorts. She is so smoking hot I just look over her odd quirks.