68 Barracuda Alternator upgrade.
100amp output i suggest you uprate your alternator output wire to an 8GA wire if you have not done so. Stock alternator output wire on the mopar wiring was i believe 12GA.
If you start running electric fuel pumps, electric fans and really taxing that 100 amper your gonna cook that stock 12ga output wire, and smoke the bulkhead connector. Thats why you uprate the output wire, add fuse link at the battery end, and bypass the bulkhead connector.
You can go to pico wiring products and buy fusable link wire. Typically you want to undwrrate the wire your protecting with a fuse link 2 sizes smaller. So 12GA fuse link wire to protect the 8GA alternator output wire. Typical fusable link length should be about 6 inches long. I crimped ring terminals and soldered mine then used shrink tube over the ends. Made a few to keep as spares in glovebox. Get marine grade multistrand AWG wire. Do not get CCA wire
AWG stands for american wire gage. Its a standard with full copper wire.
CCA is copper clad aluminum. Basically junque wire.