68 Barracuda Alternator upgrade.

Do you want the new alternator to look Stock?
we used to but alternator parts from Ace but they closed their LA warehouse\
My alternator guy Tony is away this weekend but I can ask him next week if you are still in the investigation stage
BTW do eliminate the amp gauge and do the through the firewall mods\there is a reason they call it a firewall also relays for the lights, anything to take loads of the OEM ignition switch and headlight switches, update your wires and fuzes for your new output, extra grounds near loads not relying on the body, etc
Once you bypass the bulkhead by running the alternator output directly to the battery and put relays for the headlights there's no need to bypass the bulkhead and run the wires in with grommets just make sure the connections are clean and tight and it'll be fine because you don't have the amp draw through it anymore