My take on the oiling system crossover tube for the small block

This is a reply to your nice long thread post. Let's get the record straight. You haven't explained squat. You have been calling the Chrysler Engineers effing idiot and stupid idiots. Sorry but I don't think that you can carry on a normal conversation. You have no experience with the crossover tube therefore it doesn't work because you say so. LMAO.
Believe me nobody is pissed at you for not stopping and making a video because nobody cares if you live or die.
More of your bad-mouthing Chrysler go Chevy now you attack me the only head around here is the one up your butt.
70 degrees 70 degrees 70 degrees did I say it enough 70 degrees 70 degrees.

As for the 7500 reliability 1 through 7 if you change number 5 to install the crossover tube I would say you nailed it but you didn't because you're smarter than the Chrysler engineers and you know best.
Basically you haven't told us much of anything and of course you're always talking about this video that you're going to make that never seems to get made all you've done is call names and cus trying to bully me and others to worship your every word.
I've already seen a sample of your work.
I was not impressed with the oil pouring out of it as you pour oil in it while it's running.
You should not be allowed to be near other people's Motors.
Please keep me on your ignore list the only one impressed with your great abilities is yourself.

Again, you can't explain, in your language why the crossover works. That's on YOU. If you don't agree with the 70 degree science, again, that's on YOU being unwilling to listen and learn.
I could give a single crap what Chrysler has said and done after about 1980. They have been screwing racers over for decades. If you don't race, you can't understand that. I would never tell ANYONE, EVER to use a Chrysler based engine who needs to make competitive horsepower in a heads up class. That would be ignorant. And it would be criminal to a customer. And not only that, these guys are my FRIENDS. Why would I screw them over and help them build something that wouldn't be competitive??? That's just wrong. And stupid.

For what it's worth, the oil leak was a bad fitting. It was damn hard to even see it leak. I found it by pressure testing it. I wasn't about to shut down an engine on break in when the oil leak wansnt a big deal. I removed the remote filter and put the right angle adapter back on and there is no leak.

Your arrogance is appalling. If you think an oil leak on start up is a big deal, you've not done much in the real world.

Also, I'm waiting for you to explain how the crossover works. My goal is to help Chrysler guys STOP doing and repeating ignorant ****. You are promulgating ignorance. If you a have a friend who is a Chrysler engineer, call him up and make him explain it to him. We KNOW the Chevy junk will oil. They don't have a crossover and the oiling systems are so close it's basically the same. Yet the Chevy will oil. So what's the difference. Oh yeah, it's the crossover tube. NOT.

When you can explain the crossover, and how it works, or your Chrysler engineer friend can explain it and make it believable, they are wrong. BTW, I didn't figure this out on my own. The oil timing was figured out decades ago. The fix wasn't figures out by me. It was done by a hydraulics engineer who developed the fix for a guy who was running modified eliminator. I eventually bought the complete engine from the owner in 1986.

Because I've been fortunate to be around people who are much smarter than I am, before I bought that engine I had my hydraulics engineer friend meet me at the owners house. And he brought his engineer buddy over. We tool the pan off and the owner let me look at anything I wanted. We had several oil system drawings to look at.

After about an hour and a half, my buddy says "so you put the oil in the cap to correct the oil timing?" And the other engineer geeked out and said "yep". That's the only way to fix it. Then I promptly pulled out the books with the crossover tube. My buddy said "WTF does that do." And I say "it slows the oil down to make it down to the main." And both engineers said " that's 100% bullshit. That tube does nothing".

Again, rather than rung our mouth, explain how your way works.

I'm waiting. BTW, you're not on ignore. I'm hoping you'll listen and learn. The guy on ignore won't learn.