Stop in for a cup of coffee

You want those guys to stick around? :realcrazy:

No, my dog is too old to fight off the coyotes... there were two of them right off the porch right next to him while I was putting on my shoes to see what was going on... They may have been trying to move in to attack him, but when they saw me come out they scattered....

When my Dalmatian was young, he was very strong and could handle himself if he had to fight a coyote... The kids that used to do the guy's yard across the street told me that they saw my dog chase 5 coyotes across into that yard once by himself... I've seen him chase away 3 at a time before...

When I first got my Dal, he pulled me on the street in unplowed snow when I walked my son to the bus stop... I was about 5 times his weight and he pulled me while on his leash with a choke collar... He was very strong when he was young... But now he's older and the back legs ain't what they used to be....