Finally getting to it!!! 1970 Duster 340

I had intended to apply the side decals to the Duster today. I purchased reproduction decals from Phoenix Graphics. I have NOS decals that I purchased in 1983. I decided not to use them because of concerns about how good the adhesive would be after all these years.
I mocked up the new decals on the car and noticed that some things were incorrect. The rear quarter panel decal seemed wider than I had remembered the original. I broke out my NOS boxes and started to compare all sections. The new quarter panel decal is definitely wider than the original. The front fender and door decal are the correct width. All three sections are shorter than the originals. I don't believe that this will be an issue with the door and quarter decals as there still seems to be enough to wrap around the edges; however, the front fender decal is significantly shorter even without wrapping it around the fender/ door gap. I think that the front terminal end will be much shorter on the new stripe.
I am going to contact Phoenix Graphics to see if they can fix this issue. I'll keep you posted.





