35% off SpeedMaster
As we all know We have the Edelbrock head, the OLD ProComp head that became the SpeedMaster head to escape their reputation, then SideWinder, ProMax, and several others. Edelbrocks at one time worried about quality control but threw that out the window. I know the ProMax comes from across the Pond but the critical work is done in-house. I hear good things about the Sidewinders but never touched a set. I threw a set of heads that I ported many years ago over the weekend that were on my Duster with a .520 lift Racer Brown cam and ran 10.20's. I was going to touch them up and put them on my 360 but was thinking I put 2.05 valves in them. (wrong) I forgot Matt bought those heads. So I ordered some new 2.05 ferrara valves but for now I'm swiping my BEST set I ever ported that my son BORROWED and fell in love with. I never poured one to see what the runner cc is but plan on checking one intake runner. Well back to the flow number on the set with 2.02 valves in them. They were up to 291cfm at .600 and at .650 started backing up and you could here it. Even though They were nicely ported and "the pinch" widened an tubed but not ported to touch the tube Like I do now air-speed PEGGED my meter at 401 FPS (foot per second) and the pinch and short-turn. For now they go back on the shelf till I get time and the 2.05 valves come. They worked GREAT with the small .520 lift Racer Brown but this engine has a roller cam. I can't wait to see what the TrickFlow heads can put out with a bigger valve and a little bit of love.