My take on the oiling system crossover tube for the small block

Mostly I keep you on ignore because you ain't worth the time. If you go find the thread Duane started I think it's in there. I also wrote it out AGAIN. It ain't that hard.
I also never disagreed with you on the oil timing issue.
I only disagreed on how you fixed it.
The key thing that I think people miss is that regardless of whether you choose to tube or bush the block or run the crossover line,
Both methods require you to plug the end of the galley on the passenger side.
Jadas discussion on this thread is about the crossover method to deal with the galley problem.
Even tubing or bushing the block is dealing with the galley issue.
Yellow rose you are talking about what goes on after the oil leaves the galley and how it gets to the bearings.
IMHO those are two different issues.
Regardless of which method you choose, the common issue is the blocking of the end of the galley which cuts the leakage completely from the drivers side and #1 main and rod no longer have the entire drivers side rocker and lifter oiling being taken off of number #1 main which is also starving the rods fed from that main.
When you cut that leakage you also eliminate the velocity.
The oil is mostly pressurizing instead of flowing to all those leaks.
The oil timing as I have said is a different problem requiring a different fix.
Even in that book explaining the crossover tube the author acknowledges that there were two approved methods to deal with the velocity issue. They acknowledge the Accepted Chrysler approved method of tubing or bushing the block. Both methods require a plug at the end of the galley.
Bob Mullen who helped design the crossover was an engineer, a member of the society of automotive engineers and the inventor of the w2 head. He has great credentials that I would not so quickly dismiss.
I also agree with Pittsburgh racer that with today's stroker motors being so common the big rpm is not required anymore. Torque is where it's at.