20 years wondering no more
Since this is resurrected. First I'd like to say. I hope this somehow someway works out for you and the wife. I'd love to read a sweet reunited story. I have a pretty good one of how I married my wife of now 36yrs. But that's another time. Second, but on a little negative side. I'd like to state that if you have that thought to ask "that buddy" to "run" something for you. Please, please don't put them in that position. It's against policy and it breaks countless laws. It's like the nurses that look up celebrity medical information without a medical requirement. They get fired. The premise is: You wouldn't like it if someone looked up your information from a secure database to provided it to someone else without a legal reason. There are other ways. Do you happen to have the name of the guy you sold it to? Run his name for free through Familytreenow.com. It will give you a ton of information. Phone numbers, addresses, family members and so on.