Any Tiger Woods Fans?

This popped up on Facebook today. I must admit, I kinda like it.

Charissa Morgan
Yesterday at 11:58 AM

I could give you a lot of reasons why I don’t like Tiger Woods. Until today. Why I wouldn’t want him to win another Masters....or any tournament for that matter. Reasons why he doesn’t “deserve” to win. But if I am rooting against Tiger Woods, I am rooting against myself.

We all fail. We all disappoint. We all mess up. Big time. Tiger is no different than me. Maybe a different kind of failure or disappointment or mess up. His is more public than most of ours. But still human. In need of a Savior. In need of forgiveness and redemption.

Today I found myself on the edge of my seat rooting for him to win his 5th Masters. He hadn’t won a major in 11 years. 11 years! He has had personal issues and health issues. He let down many with some of his actions. He hurt loved ones. He let himself down. And I realized that this connection I had with Tiger is because I need the same grace as he does. I need the same forgiveness and redemption. If I think it should be withheld from him, why should it also not be withheld from me?

If we pause long enough, we can all find ourselves in Tiger’s story. And that’s why we find so many celebrating....not so much the man as it is the celebration of grace and forgiveness and redemption we all need!