1967 bucket seat tracks
I'm not going to disagree with above but I will share some personal experience.... Our first 67 B'cuda notch was a bench seat car. In 1982 I found a 67 Sport Fury in a local parts yard. I bought those buckets ( along with floor shifter, etc..) for my notch.
The tracks under these buckets were made much like the pre 67 a-body tracks. The bottom half of the tracks were 2 pieces with square head hardware through stepped slots that allowed height/angle adjustments. I took those tracks completely apart, turned them 6 ways from Sunday and still needed a spacer under one corner to get them bolted into the fish. Do 67 a-body tracks work better in 67 b-body than 67 b-body tracks work in 67 a-body? I have my doubts. Good luck though.