69 Notch Barracuda - Rebirth
Went in from top down (383 and A833... :wtf: is with the 3’s and the 8’s???? 4 of a kind and 2 of a kind) today.... damn I just love this stuff...
Lessons learned:
- Don’t fill your trans with fluid before installing in car (if top-down is your approach :wtf: :BangHead: :mad: :realcrazy:)
- Disconnect shifter linkage at nuts on trans before install (don’t try to OVER save time)
- Remove Hurst shifter before install (don’t try to OVER save time, since you’ll need every single 1/2” of angle when going from top-down. Shifter adds about 3” of height at the tunnel that you don’t want)
- Raise rear of car as much as possible
- Lower front of car as much as possible (let air out of tires)
- Prepwork, prepwork, prepwork
- Older brother with half of a free day on zero advanced notice
- Memories of watching older brother work on his car when I was a youngin
- Engine hoist with enough lift power, extension, and tilt assembly add-on (also.. I pre-lubed tilt threads)
- 2 troubleshooting brains
- Wife who puts beer on ice because you are too in-the-thick-of-it to think about your own well being (refer back to prepwork in future)
- Solid wheel chocks, stands, and jacks (tools)
- Original paint and no cares about ruining engine compartment paint, or engine paint
- Extremely Minor knuckle scufs, rather than trips to the er
- Minorness of lessons learned
- Fora(bc)bodiesonly founders and contributors
FYI... engine/trans were in after about 2 hours. Then about 2 hours of fiddling with engine position, level... beers, and reinstalling shifter linkage. Good times... good times.