2019 summer race.... Jadaharabi vs 318willrun

Update on the motorcycle wreck and my dash cam. It turns out that my dash cam was not recording what it was seeing. It recorded me trying to view what I thought I had recorded. So I have two 10 minute recordings of me trying to get to the file that should have contained the wreck. I love modern technology.
Haha! Sorry for laughing but I have the same luck. I bought a camcorder with my stag money, as my wife and I went on a 3 week honeymoon road trip thru Virginia upto New Hampshire. After viewing the tapes , I realized that half the footage was of my feet as I mistakenly double tapped the pause button all the time. I guess she got over it as she's put up with my lack of high tech skills for 20 years now. Your quote made us both laugh out loud .