Stop in for a cup of coffee

Ok, stupid technical question of the evening.

I changed the timing in my car at the request of Edelbrock due to a major bog (almost kill the car bog going WOT) with the new AVS2 carb. They got all my specs of the car and according to them I had way to much initial timing (20*) and wanted me to change it to 14* initial and add more mechanical from 14* (Im now at 18* mechanical)=32*total. Timing curve starts @ 1400 and all in by 2500. So I tried it, the bog is still slightly there but nothing like it was, which is way better. However I noticed my engine temp is about 10* warmer. It was 180* and now 190*.

Im stupid when it comes to timing. Thoughts?
Running a vac advance alos?

Morning Coffee groupies!