Stop in for a cup of coffee

Yup full block. Guy was a piece of work. Wanted the block from the 65 belve to race supposedly. OK shows up thought he was ok, then says he did not have the cash on him but can paypal me when he gets home. Ok seems like a ok guy and the motor is out of here. Load it into his car trunk with the crane. @PosiRon is on one side spotting he is in the other. Hear a crunch it took out the side he was on pretty good so it was dented pretty bad. A week goes buy PM'd him a few times nothing. Then shoots me a e mail the block is at the machine shop and it has a crack. OK bring it back then, no sweat right. Then shoots me a bill for 250 for disassembling the block at the machine shop and the inspection. If I want it back have to go to NJ and pick it up and pay the bill!!!!!!! I was a bit pissed off now and got him thrown off of here. Did not really cost me anything already the belve paid itself off a few times over.

This doesn't surprise me at all.

Last summer I gave away a 66 a body floor hump.
I actually gave it to 66340sedan in his want ad but he never PMed me for it so I assumed he found one.

So i decide to give it away because I had found the correct 64/5 style for my car. So I post the ad and of course got a strong response. Bigboy was 6th in line. Then he sends me a nasty gram PM and said he won't recommend me to anyone because I ignored him. I wrote back and said "recommend me for what" i guess he thought I am a shop, so he won't recommend me to his friends, if he has any.