72 Dart Swinger 3.6L Pentastar +T5
The build has been delayed for the last few months due to the pos 7.25 axle destroying itself, lack of facilities at our new place(no 220v for compressor or welder) and just a lot of work needed for the new house.
While towing the Dart and still 4hrs from our new home in Memphis last month, the right axle bearing let go and pushed out and left me stranded. The damn 7-1/4 couldn't even get towed without blowing up.
I was able to get it turned around but I wasn't going to trust it another 4hrs on the road
I have a 8-1/4 with a 4.56 Suregrip, 175lb/in Hypercoil Leaf Springs, nearly ready to go in. Only hang up is finding a decent place to get my aluminum driveshaft shorted.