Red Deer Swap Meet 2019

So not a bad meet, 300ish vendors, about 10-15% Mopar as expected and as always, plenty of neat old stuff all over the place. We usually get snow on the way back but this time it was on the way in and icy enough that it was a mess getting up the hill just north of Innisfail, tractor/trailers were chaining up and some cars were just stopped in the middle of the highway. When we finally got to the Westerner the parking lot was just over half full and the outside vendors were shovelling wet snow off their spots. Once inside it was busy enough with people and lots of them were carrying stuff so I guess there were enough "deals" to go around. I didn't get anything for my Barracuda but I had a few nice chats with some of the vendors and I did find my wife a little something so I wasn't in trouble when I got home! I'll try again next year...