Need to get my rimblow or my cash back

The op would be wasting his time, with Pay Pal.
Pay Pal isn't going to do a damm thing about it, as many others have already tried, going thru the same situation.
Sorry, but the op should have paid thru goods and services and paid the 3% fee for the protection

You are absolutely right that he should have paid through goods and services. And he MAY be wasting his time. And I'm CERTAIN that he's learned a lesson and it will never happen again!

But, he's got nothing to lose. I would call Paypal and talk to them. Tell them that this guy is operating on our website and ripping people off. Even if you can't get your money back could they look into his transactions? Has he had other complaints? Could they watch him?

Paypal has a problem right now. They have broken up with Ebay and they are going to have to make it on private sales. They have tried to brand themselves as THE company to trust on internet sales. They have to work harder to avoid bad PR. If you talk to them right, they may go out of the way and break their own rules.

I'll end with a story: In 2008 we built a new house. I let the GC pick most of the brands when I didn't have a preference. The house AC ended up being a Trane. 3 years into my new house in May, the ac failed to come on!

I called the AC company who installed it and they said that the part that goes in the attic (condenser? Evaporator? I'm not an ac guy) had sprung a leak. Turns out the company had a 5 year parts and one year labor warranty. The part was just over $100 but the labor to reinstall it came in at $379.

The contractor told me all the things you just said to the OP: Trane was very strict on their warranty, never in 20 years of dealing with Trane had they ever waivered from their policy. I was wasting my time and I should just pay the $379!

I went on the internet and researched the company and got the address of a top VP of advertising. I wrote her a gracious letter (not angry in tone) and explained that I had heard such good things about Trane that I had cut corners in other facets of my construction! I was amazed and very disappointed the $15,000 Trane system that was "so hard to stop" had died in my new house after a year and a half! I said I understand their warranty but I had a disabled wife and had run over budget on my construction and that $379 was going to severely cut into our money to buy food!

About a week later I got a letter from the VP who said that she had discussed it with the CEO and that, "in the interest of PR" they were going to issue me a "one time" payment of $379 but that I must understand that the company "was in no way admitting fault or liability"

The head of the local ac company was very impressed. He asked for a copy of the letters to put on his office wall!

Don't be afraid to ask nicely. If you expect to get nothing you have nothing but your time to lose!