Driveline vibration out of now where! Help!
I went out and put a piece of wood on top of my floor jack and put it under the transmission and raised it up a little to see if it changed anything..same ole thing..seemed like it might have not been QUITE as bad but still there, i think it wasnt quite as bad because i had the trans picked up so it wasnt transmitting it quite as much through the trans mount..Oh well, wishful thinking i guess..I will try to do more this weekend..I dont have a lot of time between work and mowing the property and everything else..I wish one of you guys lived closer and could come by and check it out..
I guess this weekend i will try and remove the yoke from the driveshaft and put the yoke in the trans and see what happens..Then pull the pan and also see if i can see anything going on at the flexplate area..