Last one to post in this thread wins!

I have a good Graco airless I've' been thinking about using. Problem is the guy want's pearl white on the bottom:BangHead:. Top is dark blue. I'm gonna have to do it in sections. I think the best route will be a couple coats of single stage and put some pearl in the clear. I need to do some spray outs for him. No way am I tri-coating this thing.
Hah! I would need Fred to translate all this for me! I don't know single stage from tri coat from pearl. Single stage means light just went yellow, I hang pearls on wife and tri coat means it is really cold!!!!! The car looks like a great canvas BP, but man it looks like it would be a lot of work. Have a blast with it. I gotta go, I have a date today with a rail car and a 275T crane.