Driveline vibration out of now where! Help!

Today i pulled the driveshaft back out and fired it up on the jackstands and ran it again..It did NOT do the pulsating/phasing vibration with the driveshaft removed! It didnt spit trans fluid out like i thought it would with the slip yoke removed.I checked the shaft and u-joints over again and reinstalled it. I also decided to change the transmission mount. The old one fell out in 4 pieces when i removed the cross bar..Put it all back together and no luck, still does the vibration.. Unfortunately i am going to have to take a break from the car. I have spent the last 7 weekends working on it from sun up to late afternoon doing the front end rebuild and disk brake swap and now trying to figure this problem out. My body hurts and i have so many jobs around the house that im behind on now, This really sucks because when i got the front end and disk swap done, i was ready to do some driving with this im stumped..I will pull the pan next time i get a chance to mess with it.