Guess my horsepower/et

Any If you’re going to spray it in the future, I would suggest a ported single plane intake along the lines of Torker or X-cellerator, I think your at the point to were a single plane will be worth a couple of tenths going by some others who have used both types of intakes in very similar combinations. Plate nitrous systems generally work very well with single planes once the cam is in the 108 degree center line neighborhood at that level of flow and lift. Looking at your overall combination, it looks like you have a good solid plan for a street strip nitrous car. Also of note is that your converter is going to flash higher off the line with nitrous as well. What brand of converter and was it selected with nitrous use in mind beforehand? Hopefully it has good solid construction with anti-ballooning plates and high rpm efficiency to keep slip to a minimum when the nitrous power hits.