Need to get my rimblow or my cash back

Dont be a cynic! This thread alone is proof that good people will help !!
I'm not so sure why find this funny tho! Nothing funny about a guy getting ripped off whether he is at fault or could have prevented it or not. Hindsight is always 20/20.

Lighten up Francis. I guess you've never heard the comedy deal that finishes up, "You'll get nothing and like it!"

Most that know me in here understand the dripping sarcasm that my comment was drenched in. Also, I accept F&F for my harnesses and any other items and don't mess around. Money comes in, parts go out. Simple operation and never a screw job.

Glad Roy got taken care of by the cool members in this site. I hope a lesson was learned.

Just my 2 cents... when you post a "wanted" ad you best be "on guard" because the scammer knows what you are looking for and your "need". Already behind the 8 ball. Preying on that "need" get them a LONG way into your pocket. Have a good one all!