Need to get my rimblow or my cash back

Lighten up Francis. I guess you've never heard the comedy deal that finishes up, "You'll get nothing and like it!"
It wasn't the fact that he stated that he had what I needed that got me. It was the fact that he advertised it at a very reasonable price that got me. I should have remembered " If it sounds too good to be true,it probably ly is."
Most that know me in here understand the dripping sarcasm that my comment was drenched in. Also, I accept F&F for my harnesses and any other items and don't mess around. Money comes in, parts go out. Simple operation and never a screw job.

Glad Roy got taken care of by the cool members in this site. I hope a lesson was learned.

Just my 2 cents... when you post a "wanted" ad you best be "on guard" because the scammer knows what you are looking for and your "need". Already behind the 8 ball. Preying on that "need" get them a LONG way into your pocket. Have a good one all!